NAPO WDC Chapter Meeting
How to Use Feng Shui to Achieve Greater Flow
When Organizing a Home
Annette Kurtz
7:00 - 7:30 pm: Chapter Announcements
7:30 - 8:30 pm: Presentation
8:30 - 9:00 pm: Q&A & Closing Announcements
When one's home holds a lot of blockages, it keeps one stuck in the past and throws one off-track. When clients' homes reflect who they want to be, they are able to manifest their highest ambitions and find belonging by truly connecting with themselves. This presentation will cover what is Feng Shui and how to assess flow in a home in addition to best strategies to create flow.
Presentation objectives:
--How to understand a home’s Feng Shui character
--How to determine where to start for biggest impact and lasting change
--Learning the three steps that will uplift any room
Speaker Info:
Annette Kurtz is a Feng Shui expert and clutter clearing coach as well as the bestselling author of Harmonize Your Home. Having moved her home and workplace over 30 times in the United States, Germany, Belgium, Singapore and Japan, she has mastered the art of setting up her homes in harmony with the new environment and in alignment with her goals. Kurtz changed switched careers from finance to Feng Shui and followed her calling for independence, moving away from prestige and security. She uses traditional Feng Shui principles, sacred ceremonies as well as intuitive coaching to help clients find greater freedom and purpose.
Inclement Weather Policy
In the event of bad weather, we will only cancel if power is out for necessary meeting managers, in which case, meeting registrants will be emailed.