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  • March 19, 2024 11:01 AM | Janet Schiesl, CPO® (Administrator)

    by Janet Schiesl

    Basic Organization

    I am giving a presentation today on Downsizing for Seniors. The dreaded D-word!

    But what does that mean, Downsizing? Instead of thinking of eliminating things from your life and closing doors on your past, Don’t make it negative. Make it a positive experience. Call it Rightsizing! Make your life, your space, and your schedule, work for your life now and in the future.

    Your home is not the same as it was years ago, before children. Neither is your time or the demands on your schedule. It probably isn’t even the same as when you had the kids at home. At least it’s quieter now, I bet. Look at this time of your life as your chance to make your life all about you. Focus on quality, not quantity. Treat yourself like you are the most important person in the picture. Bet that’s hard, but try.

    Start looking at your home and your life focusing on the future. How do you want to live the next 5 to 10 years? Are you tired of cooking and want to dine out more? Are you tired of climbing the stairs? Maybe rearranging rooms in your home would make sense. One day of chaos in your home and paying some movers is worth years of no stair climbing. I think so! Maybe it’s time to focus on a hobby you never had time for. Get started. Eliminate what you don’t need so you have space for what you want. Get started Rightsizing your life!

    For more information, contact Janet Schiesl.

  • March 15, 2024 7:50 PM | Janet Schiesl, CPO® (Administrator)

    by Jenny Albertini



    In my first round of attempting the KonMari MethodTM while decluttering my own things, I got stuck on books. As a lifelong, voracious reader, I had been taught that books are sacred and you should hold onto them – so much so that I had dragged many of my college and grad school textbooks back and forth across the Atlantic ocean with me each time I moved.  

    But in 2016, settled into my apartment in Washington DC but unsettled in life, I felt so detached from these books I used to love. I was in the midst of a major career transition and my reading habits had changed too.  I began to experience reading differently, as my brain searched for connections between the experiences I witnessed with  my clients and the larger public health systems – and issues – that informed my prior career.   

    I’ve since decluttered my books to make room for the evergreen books that I love. And now I am sharing some of the best nonfiction books that I read in 2023, with you. They are all different, and they each informed my approach to decluttering, my discussions with clients, and the writing of my own book.


    My work overlaps between health and decluttering, so it’s no wonder that some of my favorite books do too.  I’m just as likely to recommend a book that touches on an underlying issue challenging them, as I am to suggest an appropriately sized container for their winter boots.

    Here are three of the books that really stood out to me and ignited my thinking around health issues that can manifest as challenges with clutter.

    1. Rest is Resistance: A Manifesto by Tricia Hersey – The benefits of rest are profound; mentally, physically and spiritually.  This book tucks you into a dream state that will unwind the tight grip many of us have on our time and schedules.
    2. Real Self-Care: A Transformative Program for Redefining Wellness (Crystals, Cleanses, and Bubble Baths Not Included) by Pooja Lakshmin – Lakshmin offers expansive ways of thinking about how to care for ourselves and others, taking into consideration how the structural conditions of our world either enable or threaten our ultimate well-being.
    3. The Invisible Kingdom: Reimagining Chronic Illness by Meghan O’Rourke – When diagnoses and ailments overlap, our health suffers and clarity feels unreachable.  This memoir helps people searching for truth and treatment feel less alone and more empowered amidst their piles of doctor notes.


    The dynamics of sharing space with others is a fraught topic for many of my clients.  Whether processing residual trauma experiences from childhood, negotiating complicated care tasks, or even navigating shattered ideals around what “home” means, people often struggle with decluttering their homes. 

    These books are a way to feel less alone in these shared and all-too-common struggles that manifest for so many people. If you want to restructure shared spaces and meet your decluttered goals, these books might be the extra insight you need. 

    1. Life Would Be Perfect If I Lived in That House: A Memoir by Meghan Daum – At times I laughed, and at times I cringed – reading this memoir on idealized versions of what home can mean reflected my journey through different spaces, albeit perhaps a more dramatic trajectory by this author.
    2. I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy – So much of our experiences at home are shaped by our parents, and this excellent memoir brings all of that to the big screen as we see how hoarding behavior and trauma can cause a lasting impact.
    3. How to Write an Autobiographical Novel by Alexander Chee – Perhaps not what you expected to see from here as a recommendation of books on home from a decluttering expert! But this essay collection is exactly the type of work that pushes me to think broadly about meanings of home and self and situating ourselves in experiences and spaces that do – or do not – support our desires.


    What is the balance between productivity and creativity? It is often shifting – and rarely balanced. I often think about what it means to care for ourselves gently while navigating our goals and desires in these spaces. 

    Reading can offer new visions of how to bring our whole selves to work, to our art, and to our communities.  Here are some books that showed me more expansive ways to consider the benefits of decluttering parts of my life to feel better as I show up for and as myself wherever I am.

    1. Work Better Together: How to Cultivate Strong Relationships to Maximize Well-Being and Boost Bottom Lines by Anh Nguyen Phillips and Jen Fisher – Too many workplace books focus on tips and tricks to optimize performance, neglecting the role that our connections and self-worth play in how we show up in professional lives. Not this book. Its focus on mindful steps that are easy to implement and yield high impact, which is my favorite way to think about work.
    2. A Renaissance of Our Own: A Memoir & Manifesto on Reimagining by Rachel Cargle – This memoir about transitions that blossomed into transformations offers expansive prompts and reflections. Cargle shows us that we can reimagine our own futures while also working to change the larger world at the same time.
    3. Find Your Unicorn Space: Reclaim Your Creative Life in a Too-Busy World by Eve Rodsky – This book pushes us to prioritize our dreams and desires and does so by sharing research behind the importance of adding joy into our lives and decluttering out the other stuff. Rodsky also offers practical tips to help us with increasing overall energy, fun and play.


    Hopefully some of these books will resonate with you, or maybe some already have if you’ve read them already. And if they are new for you, which book will you pick up first? Let me know how it sparks anything for you in relation to your experiences with clutter, health, and relationships.

    Buy the books that changed how I declutter.

    For more information, contact Jenny Albertini.
  • March 15, 2024 7:38 PM | Janet Schiesl, CPO® (Administrator)

    by Jill Katz

    One to Zen Organizing

    Messy desk completely covered with boxe and papers

    The Story

    Have you ever had this experience? Your sister and her husband are coming over to stay for a week and your guest room is a mess. So the day before their arrival you run around the guest room throwing all the piles into boxes and bags which you stack in the closet or in the corner of the room.

    Or how about this? You get home from dinner at a restaurant with the kids and you throw the restaurant tote filled with coloring books and other activities in the corner of the mudroom and then forget about it. 

    Perhaps this happens to you? You go to a 3-day conference where you talk with colleagues and attend insightful presentations. You collect binders, handouts, business cards and swag. When you get home, you put the conference bag in the corner of your office where you proceed to look at it from time to time anxiously over the next few months.

    As an organizer, I see these boxes and bags in many client’s homes in Home Offices, Guest rooms, Bedrooms, you name it. And this past year, I finally had a client give name to it: She referred to these bags as “Doom Bags” or "Doom Boxes."


    When I got home I looked up the word “doom bag” which led me to its more common term, “doom box” which is defined as a:

    “Box of various stuff, often gathered over time. Doom boxes originate from cleaning sprees under time pressure. Usually it is the intention of a doom box creator to postpone organizing the stuff in a doom box.” 

    The term is even used an acronym  for "Didn't Organize, Only Moved". 

    Why do doom boxes happen?

    In order to make these doom boxes and bags go away, we need to first uncover why this phenomenon is happening. I have distilled it down to 3 reasons:

    Closeup of woman with her hands over her ears, eyes closed, trying to keep out the sensory overwhelm

    • Overwhelm: Individuals with neurodiverse traits may struggle with executive functioning, making it challenging to plan and initiate tasks, such as decluttering. Difficulty making decisions is another reality for the neurodiverse brain. The thought of tackling a cluttered space can be overwhelming, leading to avoidance and the creation of Doom Boxes.

    • Hyperfocus: On the flip side, some neurodiverse individuals may hyperfocus on particular tasks or interests, making it difficult to shift attention to tidying up and decluttering. This intense focus can lead to the neglect of the physical environment.

    • Sensory Sensitivities: Some neurodiverse individuals are highly sensitive to their environments. The clutter in the home can create visual and tactile distractions that lead to discomfort, making it tempting to hide items away in boxes to reduce sensory overload.

    So while doom bags can be created by all, we are more likely to see them in homes with neurodivergent people.

    10 Tips To Help Banish Those Doom Boxes

    OK, so now you know what doom boxes are and why they are accumulating in your home. So what’s the next step? Here are some tips to help you deal with or at least, make peace, with your doom boxes:

    African American Woman hugging herself in an act of self love with a happy expression, smile & eyes closed

    1. Embrace your neurodiversity

    Doom Boxes showcase the way your mind works. You need to get items out of the way quickly to make space. This is not a moral failing!

    2. Create Awareness

    Awareness is the first step to decluttering. Make a list of areas where you want to eliminate piles of doom.

    3. Chunking 

    Attack those doom bags by breaking the work into smaller steps by setting a timer. Use the Pomodoro technique to maintain focus.

    4. Use Sensory friendly containers/tools

    Use gloves to handle annoying tactile messes, Take items out of their space one small pile at a time when decluttering so visual clutter doesn’t stop you from putting things away.

    5. Rewards

    Give yourself a treat for working through those doom bags: read a good book, eat a piece of chocolate, talk a walk in nature, whatever works as a healthy reward.

    6. Accountability 

    Work through the doom clutter with a friend, family member or professional organizer. Use an accountability app such as focusmate.

    7. Create zones for special interests

    If these items have a home, they are less likely to accumulate in doom bags and boxes.

    8. Take photos of sentimental items

    Take photos of sentimental items so you don’t feel you need to keep every single thing.

    9. Create rules around categories that get you stuck

    For example, showcase your birthday cards for the week or month of your birthday and then either discard or put in a special box dedicated to sentimental cards.

    10. Experiment, by building on your other successes

    Look at the most functional area of your home and think about how you made that area work for you and try to replicate the strategy. Don't beat yourself up about techniques that work for others but not for you. Remember to have a neurodiversity-focused approach which means it’s customized to fit your brain.


    Remember, the goal is not just to eliminate Doom Boxes but to make peace with them. By acknowledging and working with the intricacies of your neurodiverse brain, you can create an organized and functional space that respects your unique self. So, next time you encounter a Doom Bag, approach it not with dread but with the understanding that it's a part of your journey towards a more harmonious living environment.

    Do you have doom boxes in your home? Please share your story or tips with me in the comments section. I would love to hear about it!

    For more information, contact Jill Katz.

  • March 02, 2024 8:12 AM | Janet Schiesl, CPO® (Administrator)

    Jenny Albertini


    After unpacking some of the underlying reasons around why decluttering may make sense for you, let’s make a plan about what to do with all with the stuff leaving your home.

    Here are some tips I often offer to my in-person clients for what to do with the items you have decided to let go of–and how to earn some money or help a charity along the way.


    Focus your efforts on selling the highest-quality items you have. If you have any furniture for example, or luxury goods (like clothing, jewelry, or watches), prioritize selling those items first. You may need to contact a few resale options to find buyers but overall because you will earn a higher amount of money potentially for selling those items this will make better use of your time than focusing on selling lower-cost items. 

    Be realistic too: selling items is often time-consuming. People often overestimate how much items can fetch in the resale market. That said, if you have a good amount of high-quality items or you have time to spend finding buyers, then you may want to consider selling. 

    For clothing, there are many resale options for secondhand clothing through websites like The Real Real and Poshmark. Consignment stores looking for vintage pieces may also be interested in what you have to offer depending on the season of the year and the season of clothing you wish to sell.


    When deciding whether or not to donate something, consider first the condition the item is in.  Dropping off broken or unsanitary items at donation centers just creates more work for the staff members there to sort and throw those items out. Most donation centers have guidelines – follow them! For example, some places do not want old kitchenware, so don’t drop those items off there. If you want to get your donate pile out of your house but don’t have an easy way to bring your donations to a local center, order up a Dolly service (like Uber for your things) to collect and drop off the items for you.  

    Remember that many charity groups who offer pick-up services for furniture donations are inundated around the New Year transition months (November–January) so wait times can be long. Last year, in December, the wait time was two months for a donation pick-up for one of my clients who was letting go of many pieces of furniture. In Washington DC, there are local shelters and support organizations that I recommend contacting to see what their current donation process is like, including So Others Might EatA Wider CircleHomes Not Borders, and the Oasis Alliance


    Consider services like Freecycle or OfferUp for no or low-cost ways to get items out of your home. I use OfferUp now with my clients instead of Facebook Marketplace because it doesn’t seem to need as many fussy pictures or lengthy descriptions. Plus, Facebook Marketplace can involve a lot of back and forth. Just take and post a photo and then arrange for local pick up of your items. I always set pick-up locations near but not at my house or my clients’ homes, for safety reasons. 

    Those three options should answer a lot of your questions around what to do with ‘the things’ after you have decluttered. Sign up for my newsletter for more tips and tricks for people with luxury goods, entire homes full of belongings to sort, and entire closets to unpack. 

    For more information, contact Jenny Albertini. 

  • February 23, 2024 9:39 AM | Janet Schiesl, CPO® (Administrator)

    Jill Katz

    One to Zen Organizing

    Woman in glasses, from the side looking at a brain she is holding in her hand and thinking

    I initially became an organizer because I  enjoyed problem solving for clients with brain-differences. As a research loving Mom to a neurodivergent child, it just made sense. However, my life took a sharp turn which led me to reevaluate the “Why”. I will explain.

    The History

    When you read the “About Me” summary from a professional organizing website, you will often see something like this:

    “My name is Charlotte Organized and since the age of 3, I have had a passion for all things organizing.” 

    My history is the complete opposite. Since the age of 3, I have struggled with disorganization. I was a messy child, a teenager that struggled to focus on her homework, and a young adult who developed anxiety about showing up late to just about anything. 

    In high school, my Mom helped me create a detailed schedule to study for the 9 finals in my dual curriculum Hebrew Prep School. In College, I drew a visual color coded schedule of my college classes and internships so I could see the blank spaces of my free time and make plans. As a young adult, I created routines for myself, slowly experimenting throughout the years to see what worked and what didn’t. I earned a degree in Marketing and got a job that I loved. I got married and then I became a Mom of a child with learning differences.

    “Momhood” And A Path To Organizing

    Adult hands cupping tiny baby feet

    What’s it like to become the mother to a neurodivergent child? It’s humbling, it’s challenging, it breaks you down and you rebuild. I read up on all the literature and learned words like “Executive Functioning”, “Comorbidity” and “Sensory Processing”.

    I left my job and became a SAHM (stay at home mom) using my new acronym in special needs support groups (Hi, I am a SAHM of a daughter with these issues…). Every day a new Early Intervention specialist came - a physical therapist, an occupational therapist or a speech therapist and I had a binder to keep track of all their notes and suggestions. Slowly, many of the Moms from the playgroup cohort disappeared. They couldn’t relate to my experience and I couldn’t bear to hear how they reached yet another milestone with their neurotypical child. It all felt very isolating.

    Time passed and I had another child. I enjoyed being a Mom of two but I itched to get back to work. A friend of mine became an organizer and she hired me to assist her for various jobs. And I noticed the neurodivergent clients. When you have a kid with differences and have read so much literature surrounding the subject, you end up with a knack for noticing others with differences. And I wondered about them. I mean, I helped to support my child with her schoolwork and other responsibilities, but who helped neurodivergent adults with their own children and other vast responsibilities?

    Thus, Oe to Zen Organizing was born and I started to focus on clients who needed and deserved compassionate out-of-the-box organizing support.

    But the story doesn’t end there…

    Full Circle: The Journey of Self Discovery & Neurodiversity

    Person walking in a labyrinth made of sand on the beach

    When I started my organizing business, my goal was to help adult clients by expanding on what I had learned with my neurodivergent daughter. What I didn’t expect was to discover that I was neurodivergent. There wasn’t any one moment of discovery. The realization happened slowly over time as it dawned on me that I had experienced many of my client’s struggles. It’s amazing to me that it took so long to reach this understanding! 

    The discovery cast a new light on how I viewed my life. I tried to explain to my confused family what I was experiencing even though they didn’t view me as any different than I was the day before. I worked through the shame I had endured knowing deep down of my differences. I worked through understanding the masking I exhibited to try to fit in. I considered when being hard on myself was helpful and when I should be doling out more self compassion. Overall, I started to notice my differences in real time and worked at accepting them. In summary, it was a rollercoaster of emotions and I am still processing what this means for me.

    In Conclusion

    How do I explain that this new discovery changes everything? I can practice self compassion and mindfully apply the same executive functioning strategies that I teach to others on myself. I can relate to my clients on a new level and truly understand the frustration of not being able to apply traditional organizing strategies. I can revel in looking back at my successes in overcoming many of my challenges with creativity and perseverance. And I can confidently encourage my clients to abandon perfection and let them know “You can do this.”

    For those of you who have had a journey of self-discovery, what did you learn? How did it change your life? I would love to hear about it in the comments.

    For more information, contact Jill Katz.

  • February 16, 2024 8:58 AM | Janet Schiesl, CPO® (Administrator)

    Janet Schiesl

    Basic Organization

    Creating a habit that will truly last.

    I’m working on creating new habits all the time.

    However, I work on one new habit at a time.  I’ll master it before moving on to the next.

    This is how I learn best – Focusing on changing one habit at a time.

    Taking small steps to engrain a habit is how you will be most successful.

    Perhaps you want to create a habit to become more organized.  Start small.  Why not bring the mail in each day and sort it right then and there? Or if you have a more health-related habit in mind then start by taking a short walk every day or drinking more water.

    My suggestion for you is to try each new habit for at least 30 days. Taking one small step at a time will enable you to see the difference it’s making.  You may start to feel a little more organized and then less stressed – or refreshed from your daily walk and water.

    How do you create a habit? One at a time.

    What new habit have you created lately?

    For more information contact Janet Schiesl.

  • February 16, 2024 8:35 AM | Janet Schiesl, CPO® (Administrator)

    Diane Greenhalgh

    Tiny to the Max

    *We've evaluated all the recommended products here and make no financial gain if you purchase something. We don’t care about making money from this list, we just want to help you love (and organize) your space. 

    If you're anything like us, you love tiny living. But maybe, right now, you're feeling like tiny living means there's not enough space for the stuff you need. But who says you need a ton of space to live large? 

    We're here to tell you it's all about maximizing the space you've got, so we've compiled a list of the best organizing products for small spaces. These must-haves will help you maximize your small space and bring simplicity (and maybe even a smile!) to your daily life. From sleek over the door organizers to versatile lap desks, we've curated a list of the best organizing products that promise to create more room, improve efficiency, and make your home happier. Let's dive in! 

    1. Over the door shoe organizer with pockets 

    Over the door shoe organizers with pockets are a dream come true! Whether you go with the Gorilla Grip Shoe Holder Rack, the MISSLO Large Over the Door Organizer, or the Container Store's 24-Pocket Mesh Over the Door Shoe Bag, they can all hold a surprising amount of weight and offer a fantastic solution for keeping all kinds of things in order without taking up precious floor space. 

    Don't let the word "shoe" in this organizer's title fool you because they are best used for everything but shoes unless you have tiny feet, like with kids, or use them for flip-flops.  

    You can store almost anything in your home—accessories, toiletries, and even pantry items. Remember, in a tiny space, every inch counts. Our favorites are the ones with multiple mesh pockets, so it's easy to see and access what you've stored. 

    2. Behind cabinet door organizers 

    This next one offers a clever solution for holding items that can otherwise clutter your space, such as bags, cleaning supplies, paper towels, and even hair dryers. Their design utilizes the often-overlooked and typically unusable space behind cabinet doors, making them an ideal choice for those looking to maximize every inch of their home. 

    With various designs and materials, you'll find the perfect match for your needs and style. Some are simple, with a tray or two to store items. And some even feature specific compartments for items like paper towels or hair dryers

    One of the significant advantages of these organizers is accessibility. They're always within reach, saving you from rummaging around in cluttered cabinets or drawers. Plus, their position behind the cabinet door keeps them out of sight for a clean and uncluttered look. 

    You can find them on Amazon, Target, and Wayfair to start maximizing that valuable space behind your cabinet doors. 

    3. Adjustable closet rod 

    This nifty simple closet tool is a game-changer for your wardrobe organization. This innovative product, like the ClosetMaid Double Hang Closet Rod, can be easily clipped onto your existing closet rod, instantly doubling your hanging space. Its adjustability ensures it fits seamlessly, no matter your closet size. 

    Constructed of durable, powder-coated steel, it provides reliable support for your garments. With its deep nickel finish, it not only maximizes your storage but also adds a touch of class to your closet. Moreover, this versatile rod is not limited to clothes. You can use it to hang accessories, bags, or hats, making it an all-around closet organizer. 

    It's an ideal organizing solution for people who want flexibility in a small closet and for increasing accessibility for shorter individuals, people in wheelchairs, and children who may struggle with reaching higher rods.  

    The ClosetMaid rod is our top pick, and you can grab it at retailers like Amazon, Bed Bath & Beyond, and Walmart. There are other types, like this one pictured above from Umbra, available at The Container Store®

    4. Space-saving hangers 

    Living small means making every inch count, especially in your wardrobe. So space-saving hangers are a stylish fix for a cramped closet. 

    Skinny velvet or felt hangers are the best for this. They're slimmer than old-school hangers and keep your clothes from slipping off (and having to hang them up again!). Plus, getting them with the sturdy bar at the bottom means no stretching or poking your favorite sweater while you're hanging it. 

    Want an even cleaner-looking closet? Try color-coordinating your hangers. Cohesive hanger colors can reduce visual noise and make your closet feel more spacious. 

    There are so many options for colors and brands of space-saving hangers. You can even get kid and petite sizes. The best deal is from Costco, but you can also grab some from Amazon, Walmart, Target, or The Container Store®

    5. Over the door mirror 

    If you're a frequent mover or renting your space, an Over Door Mirror is your new best friend. It's the smart answer to the pesky problem of mounting and unmounting mirrors or struggling with mirror clips and ending up with a warped reflection. 

    The Beauty4U Over the Door Adjustable Hanging Mirror has our vote as the best choice. It gives you a full-length view minus the floor clutter and is a breeze to install. But what sets it apart is its adjustability. You can position it at just the right height, making it perfect for individuals of varying heights, including children or people who use wheelchairs. 

    Some other over-the-door mirror models even have hidden storage for your jewelry or accessories. And some are just plain dreamy with modern details and finishes like this super long one from Bed Bath & Beyond. Whatever model you get, it's not just a mirror; it's a space-saving, style-enhancing accessory for your home. 

    6. Slim rolling cart 

    With its smooth-gliding wheels, this nifty little helper is designed to seamlessly navigate through your home, fitting snugly into even the smallest corners. It's sleek, it's functional, and it's ready to revamp your storage strategy. 

    We love that it's a versatile storage solution that shines in any setting: 

    • In the kitchen, it becomes a mobile pantry for cans, spices, or utensils. 

    • In the laundry room, it serves as a convenient holder for laundry essentials, easily sliding into narrow spaces. 

    • For crafty folks, this cart transforms into an organized craft station with easy access to supplies.

    • In the bathroom, it becomes extra storage you can slip in a small space that’s flexible because you can move it around.

    • In a bedroom, it can be a unique nightstand alternative

    Regardless of the room, a slim rolling cart blends style and functionality, making it an invaluable addition to any home. 

    7. Portable lap desk with storage 

    Compact and foldable, this Portable Lap Desk with Storage is designed to make the most of your space, even if that space is your lap. Whether you're a work-from-home pro or a student cramming for exams, the desk offers a stable spot for your laptop or tablet. 

    Ideal for small homes in need of flexibility, people who need a change of scenery, or kids who love being around their parents, it moves easily from room to room or even outdoors. When you're done, just fold it and tuck it away to save space. 

    Speaking of space... Despite its size, it doesn't skimp on storage! There's plenty of room for your essentials, like stationery and notebooks. 

    Other portable desk options can be found at Target, Wayfair, and Walmart

    8. Corner dish shelf 

    mDesign's Corner Shelf is a great option for those looking to maximize their kitchen storage. We like to use it to stack plates so you don’t have to lift a pile to get to the size you want.  

    Another option is this Bamboo 3 Tier Plate Rack, made from natural bamboo it can easily organize your dishes. The three-tiered design takes even more advantage of vertical space if you can’t adjust your shelves, which is a critical factor in compact areas. So instead of sprawling across your counters, these shelves grow upwards - keeping your countertops clutter-free while ensuring your dishes are always within arm's reach. 

    9. Turntable 

    With its 360-degree rotation, the turntable (sometimes called a Lazy Susan) is a game-changer, ending those frustrating moments spent rummaging at the back of cabinets. With just a quick spin, everything you need is within reach. 

    What makes a turntable so special is its straightforward (and round!) design. Whether nestled in your pantry, fridge, or bathroom cabinet, this organizer ensures every item has a designated spot within easy reach.  

    And it really shines in the kitchen. A two-tiered Lazy Susan is perfect for housing spices. Round spice jars on a round turntable? It's a match made in heaven! With this addition to your kitchen, it's so easy to find the paprika without knocking over the pepper. 

    But it's also a dream for storing canned goods in your pantry or even cleaning supplies. For those items, we recommend grabbing a turntable model with a lip to keep everything in place (instead of toppling off if you spin it too hard). Some turntables are open with a lip around the edge, and some are divided into sections. The Container Store® has oodles of turntable options, so check them out. 

     10. Corner shower caddy 

    When organizing small bathrooms, a corner shower caddy is your best friend. It offers ample storage without taking up significant space. Whether you have a tub or a standalone shower, this versatile organizer fits seamlessly into any layout. 

    The Kadolina Corner Shower Caddy brings organization and style into your space, along with four tiers! That's perfect for stashing your shampoos, conditioners, body washes, and even a rubber ducky.  

    Similarly, the Rebrilliant Eisenman Tension Pole promises plenty of storage space, rust resistance, and sturdiness, translating to years of squeaky-clean service. We love the unique soap dish and hooks! 

    And another great option is the Zenna Home Chrome 4-Shelf Tension Pole. It has the tiers and the tension rod to make it fit in any space, but it also features a built-in towel bar because who doesn't love a multi-tasking product? With this caddy, you finally have a spot in the shower to hang your washcloth where you can actually reach it! 

    How to choose the best organizers for small spaces 


    When you're on the hunt for the best organizing products, think about their functionality first and foremost. You want items that solve specific storage struggles you're facing, are adaptable, and can be used in various ways.  

    A great example is the over the door shoe organizer we shared above. It isn't just a kid's shoe rack in a closet; the same organizer could be a home for your accessories or a pantry space expansion.  


    Every square inch counts when you're working with a small space. Opt for compact, space-saving organizers that seamlessly blend with your aesthetic. Don't overlook vertical space—wall-mounted shelves or racks can transform your area. And be sure to measure the space before you make your purchase. 


    While you're shopping, look for durable materials like steel, bamboo, or heavy-duty plastics. Steel has a modern flair and resilience, while bamboo offers a warm, eco-friendly vibe. Heavy-duty plastics are lightweight, budget-friendly, and come in various colors to match your decor. 

    Maintenance matters, too, when you're thinking about what materials you want. Choose materials that won't give you a headache when cleaning time comes around. If you're eyeing fabric organizers, make sure they're either washable or armed with a protective shield against stains and spills. Or if you're shopping for spaces like bathrooms or kitchens that often have higher humidity, rust-proof or moisture-resistant organizers should be at the top of your list. They'll stand up to the elements and keep looking great. 

    Transform your space, transform your life 

    Living tiny doesn't mean you have to sacrifice comfort or functionality. With the right organizing products, every inch of your small space can be optimized to its fullest potential, making it not only visually pleasing but also a joy to live in. We've already shared some great stores to shop for the best organizing products. But there's more - so much more! Snag our freebie, 35 Stores for Small Space Solutions, for a list of stores to shop for organizing tools and small space furniture for any budget and location. 

    In the end, it's not about the size of the space you have. It's about what you do with it. And we're here to help! At Tiny to the Max, we're not just about creating organized spaces. We want to help you make room for what truly matters. 


    For more information contact Diane Greenhalgh.

  • January 15, 2024 7:44 AM | Janet Schiesl, CPO® (Administrator)

    Janet Schiesl

    Basic Organization

    Are empty boxes the newest indication of over-consumption?

    Recently my team member, Denene mentioned that she’s been observing a new trend happening with our clients.

    I’m noticing more and more that everyone seems to be collecting boxes!! Spaces are being overrun by empty boxes. Not only are people keeping shipping boxes of various shapes and sizes (just in case), but they are also collecting all sorts of used, pretty boxes (too pretty to throw away).

    A bunch of the clients already have (or we worked on setting up) a small space for their box “collection” (mostly the pretty gift-type boxes) to make it easy for them to find what they need.

    The key is to not go beyond the small space and to use them! I have to say I’m guilty of collecting boxes too, so this has been a good reminder to me.

    I think we all have a stash of odd boxes lying around, but I have to agree with Denene, it’s becoming something else that needs organizing. How did we get to the point where we need to sort, declutter, organize, and maintain empty boxes? Below are the types of boxes I see most and what I think you should be doing with them instead of keeping them.

    The Amazon Box

    Of course, the proliferation of online shopping has made cardboard clutter something most people deal with these days. Maybe some of us save a unique box or two (but probably never use them). If you shop online then you’ll probably agree with me that if you get rid of your stash more will be delivered soon.

    Here’s a way to use those shipping boxes.

    I have a challenge for you! One of the reasons that clutter collects is that we bring more into our homes than we take out. One of the organizing strategies we live by is the One In-One Out rule. So take some of those empty boxes and create donation stations throughout your house and fill them with items that will equal the volume of what was delivered. Donation stations can be located in clothes closets, kitchens, laundry rooms, linen closets, and garages. You can even use a box to collect papers destined for shredding. You’ll reuse the box while also creating a donation system to keep your home organized.

    There’s even a program that makes it easy for you to donate. Have you heard of Give Back Box? It’s a new method of donation because, in addition to creating a secondary use for your cardboard boxes and guaranteeing that they will be recycled, it helps clear closets, create jobs, and offer more companies and their customers an opportunity to recycle. All you have to do is pack items you no longer need into your empty boxes and then download shipping labels from their website and deliver your donations to UPS, USPS, or FedEx. They distribute your donations to their partner organizations.

    The Gift Boxes

    If you are a gift-giving person you probably have a collection of shirt boxes, jewelry boxes, and gift bags somewhere in your home. A few can come in handy at the spur of the moment, but how many do you actually need? They are not a dime a dozen, but pretty close! These days most of us live around the corner from a Dollar Tree or Dollar General where gift boxes can be purchased in packs of 2, 3 or 4 for $1.25. Adopt the mindset that you’ll let these stores store your gift boxes until you need them.

    Let go of the gift boxes.

    This is what I do. I use most gift boxes when wrapping holiday gifts, so I go purchase what I think I’ll need at the beginning of the season. Then once the holidays are over, I’ll offer any leftovers for free on my Buy Nothing group.

    The Specific Boxes

    I’ve observed clients saving boxes for specific items. Boxes for TVs, stereos, small kitchen appliances, and toys are the bulk of what I’ve seen. The biggest reason for keeping them is that they might need the boxes the next time they move and the second reason is that they’ll need the box if they sell the item.

    Use the right product for the job.

    We do a lot of packing for moves, so when our clients want to use these boxes to move I advise them to think again. Usually, these boxes are oddly shaped, therefore they won’t stack well in the moving truck. They’ll also be harder for the movers to balance/carry them onto the truck. The last thing we want is for their items to get damaged after all their box-saving efforts.

    Did you know there is a difference between packing a box to move and packing a box for shipping?

    Yes, there is a difference. So our clients who are saving a specific box for stereo pieces or small kitchen appliances are saving the box that was used to ship that item. An item can be packed for a move much more efficiently with packing paper and without all that odd-shaped Styrofoam that’s impossible to figure out how to reuse for packing.

    The Moving Boxes

    I’ve even encountered people who save moving boxes (in bulk) for their next move. Now, I’m all for reusing these boxes. But I always advise our clients that they are not worth the cost of the square footage in their home. It’s best to offer used boxes to family and friends (or try to Buy Nothing or Facebook Marketplace) for free. Let the good karma sent out with the boxes come back if you decide to reuse boxes at you next move.

    Moving is expensive, but boxes are not.

    These days, the cost of moving is not for the faint of heart. It’s expensive! So the thought of saving a lot of money on your move by reusing boxes is not realistic. Yes, you’ll save some. But is it enough that it will be worth giving up the square footage in your home now to save some later? My last word on this subject is that if you absolutely need to save your moving boxes, at least break them down so they take up less space. Re-taping is cheap people!

    So I hope I’ve inspired you to let go of a couple (or many) of the empty boxes around your house. Take a minute to find a few, break them down, and put them in your recycling (if they are recyclable). Then start enjoying that little extra space that you created in your garage, basement or closet.

    For more information contact Janet Schiesl.

  • January 02, 2024 8:03 AM | Janet Schiesl, CPO® (Administrator)

    Debbie Smith

    Keep Your Stuff Simple

    Do you have boxes and envelopes with decades of photos that you haven’t gone through in years? Photo albums stuffed into closets that never get looked at?

    During the hot dog days of summer, it’s the perfect time to take on an indoor project while you stay cool. Organizing your photos to scan and digitize them provide you a simple way to document and share them, preserve them from a disaster, and eliminate clutter.
    Take a trip down memory lane, organize the photos chronologically for digitizing and pull photos you may want to send to family members or old friends with a nice note – 

    something we all enjoy getting when most communication these days is digital!

    You won’t need to scan every photo, that’s where the downsizing is; there will be plenty of duplicates, fuzzy photos, or old pictures of people and scenery you no longer want.

    Once you have your photos digitized it is easy to make special digital photo albums of vacations or a DVD for a special birthday or celebration – beautiful and simple ways to remember and view the special moments of your life.

    You can even scan special papers; documents, medical records, anything you want to be able to put your hands on without going through massive files and piles of paperwork.

    Debbie and KYSS can help you get this project started!

    For more information contact, Debbie Smith.

  • December 20, 2023 8:46 AM | Janet Schiesl, CPO® (Administrator)

    Anne Lyons

    Step One Organizing

    We recently sold the house my parents had lived in for over 30 years. Make no mistake, it was no small clean-out project. We were fortunate to have lots of time for the process. Which allowed my mom, my siblings and me to take our time deciding about what to do with things. Mom downsized to apartment living and we took just enough of just the right things there to make it feel like home for her. Friends and family were invited over to grab what they wanted, and many did. My city-dwelling sister took a pass identifying favorites to put in storage for the future country cottage of her dreams. My brother took small treasures he loved, but as he has very different style sensibilities than my parents, it wasn’t much. We’re proud Army brats, accustomed to moving with frequency. Every move involved a purge, so you just didn’t get too attached to stuff.

    As the professional organizer in the family, I was at the forefront of this process and my approach was intense and somewhat merciless. I made frequent passes through the house to make decisions about things. I defaulted to letting go more than keeping, though I waffled often. It wasn’t easy, but I managed to toss hundreds of photos into many trash cans. I tore apart picture frames and plaques. I took knitting supplies to senior centers. I gave a future fashion design student two very expensive sewing machines. I sent pictures of funny items and notes to friends and then let them go.

    The hauler needed five small trucks to take the rest away.

    Also as a professional organizer for over ten years, I know all to well what it’s like to take too much of your parents' stuff. I can’t count the number of clients whose initial call with me includes the phrase “...oh and I’ve got a bunch of things in my basement that came from my parents’ house that I need to figure out what to do with…”  That was a burden that I did not want for myself. I was very deliberate about what I chose to keep take home with me.

    I made myself picture any item’s future location in my own home before taking it. Furthermore, when I did take items to my home they either went straight to that new location, or into my dining room until it was piled high - giving me a constant visual reminder to deal with the items. I also gave myself a ‘clear the dining room' deadline. It didn’t happen overnight, but the dining room is clear and everything has a home. Later, I called a hauler myself for the items I changed my mind about, and also the things of my own I started to realize no longer served me. Clearing your parents’ home has a unique effect of making you look at your own things differently too.

    Six months later, I wish I’d kept the Craftmatic adjustable bed. Me and the spousal unit are starting to appreciate a little elevation or padding under the knees for sleeping. A few times I wished I had the very high quality clothes steamer we let go. I definitely wish I’d asked my mom one last time about that winter coat. 

    Oh well. 

    Oh well. Could have had a free Craftmatic.

    Oh well, could have gotten those fancy tablecloths I did keep nice and crisp with the steamer.

    Wouldn’t have to find mom a new coat. 

    Oh well. 

    Do I need to elaborate the point here? The highest emotional regret I can come up with is "Oh well.” I have a small number of treasures from my parent’s home. I took some furniture that was practical to put in my newly finished basement. I replaced a cheap-ish console table of my own with a beautiful antique my mother loved. I put art of theirs up on my own walls. I wove special bits of their home into the fabric of my own - and now they are my treasures. They enhanced my house, did not overwhelm it. Not a single item is stored in a box in the basement. In my office is one box of photos that will take me some time to scan and store and learn about.

    The process isn’t easy, even for a professional organizer, but it’s so important to remember — THINGS are not your memories, your memories are your memories. A few items can go a long way for sentimentality. Saving ‘just in case’ is quite often not the best course of action. If you do find you’ll need something, you may have some regret, but it won’t probably won’t be a huge deal. Letting go is liberating in so many more ways. 

    Also, the Craftmatic was over 15 years old. Who knows how much life it had left in it? The steamer probably was too and is huge.

    I really should’ve checked with mom one more time about that coat. 

    Oh well.

    For more information, contact Anne Lyons.

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